class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Module 2 - Session 4 - Data exploration ## Working effectively with data ### CivicDataLab ### 2021/09/01 (updated: 2021-09-02) ---
# JOINing Tables[ A JOIN command is used where we need to query data that is spread across multiple tables ] <br> > Merging two data sets using SQL or SQL tools can be accomplished through JOINS. **A JOIN is a SQL instruction in the FROM clause** of your query that is used to identify the tables you are querying and how they should be combined.<sup>1</sup> .footnote[ [1] [Dataschool]( ] --- .center[  ] --- ## JOINS - Exercise 1 - Create a table that only contains cases registered with the Karnataka district courts - Join the above table with `cases_district_key` to get district name - Find the total number of cases in each district. Arrange the results in descending order - Use a subquery to combine the two queries in one -- .center[ .card[ .left[ ```sql SELECT a2.district_name, count(*) AS total_cases FROM (SELECT a.*, b.district_name FROM cases_2018_karnataka AS a LEFT JOIN cases_district_key AS b ON a.state_code = b.state_code AND a.dist_code = b.dist_code) AS a2 GROUP BY a2.district_name ORDER BY total_cases DESC ``` ] ] ] --- class: center, middle # Other SQL Concepts --- class: center # CASE WHEN .card[ **CASE WHEN** takes in values, checks them against a condition and **THEN** outputs values into a new column based on if it satisfies the condition. CASE WHEN in SQL operates very similarly to “if then” statements in other programming languages. ] -- .pull-left[ .bg-yellow[Example] .card[ Create a new column as _defendant_type_ as per the values given in the female_defendant column. Use these rules: - Tag female defendants as _female_ - Tag male defendants as _male_ - Tag all other defendants as _not_sure_ ] ] -- .pull-right[ .bg-yellow[Query] .card[.left[ ```sql SELECT female_defendant, CASE WHEN female_defendant = '1 female' THEN 'female' WHEN female_defendant = '0 male' THEN 'male' ELSE 'not_sure' END AS defendant_type FROM cases_2018_karnataka LIMIT 20 ``` ]] ] --- ## CASE WHEN - Examples .pull-left[ .bg-yellow[Example 1] Using the mortality dataset, categorise total number of deaths in a given month/year as _less than 5K_ , _between 5K and 10K_ and _greater than 10K_ .card[.left[ ```sql select month, year, deaths, CASE WHEN deaths < 5000 THEN "lt 5K" WHEN 5000<=deaths<10000 THEN "5K-10K" WHEN deaths > 10000 THEN "gt10K" END as "trends" FROM mortality_data; ``` ] ] ] .pull-right[ .bg-yellow[Example 2] On [Mortality data](, assign names for months where month <=4 in the year 2019 .card[.left[ ```sql select month, year, deaths, CASE WHEN month = 1 THEN "Jan" WHEN month = 2 THEN "Feb" WHEN month = 3 THEN "Mar" WHEN month = 4 THEN "Apr" END as "monthName" FROM mortality_data WHERE month <= 4 AND year= 2019 AND state="Rajasthan"; ``` ] ] ] --- # Subqueries .center[ .card[The core concept to grasp is that the subquery is a separate SQL query that produces a table that is then used in the main query.] ] -- .pull-left[ .bg-yellow[Objective] .card[ Find the total number of cases in BENGALURU where petitioner is a female aggregated by judge position ( _Without Using JOINS_ ) ] ] -- .pull-right[ .bg-yellow[Query] .card[ ```sql SELECT judge_position, count(*) AS total_cases FROM cases_2018_karnataka WHERE dist_code = ( SELECT dist_code FROM cases_district_key WHERE district_name = 'BENGALURU' ) AND female_petitioner = '1 female' GROUP BY judge_position ORDER BY total_cases DESC ```] ] --- ## Subqueries - Examples .bg-yellow[ Subquery in the **FROM clause**] .card[ SELECT * FROM (SELECT State, SUM (# of friends) FROM facebook GROUP BY state); ] <br> -- .bg-yellow[ Subquery in the **WHERE clause** ( _Returns single value_) ] .card[ SELECT * FROM facebook WHERE # of friends = (SELECT MAX(# of connections) FROM linkedin) ] <br> -- .bg-yellow[Subquery in the **WHERE clause** ( _Returns multiple values_)] .card[ SELECT * FROM facebook WHERE # of friends IN (SELECT # of connections FROM linkedin) ] --- ## EXERCISE - CASE WHEN & Subqueries - Load [Mortality data]( in the database - Create a column to tag months where the total number of deaths was above or below average for the state of Rajasthan. - The column can have only two values _Above average_ and _Below average_ - Sort the result dataset by year -- .center[ .card[.left[ ```sql select month, year, deaths, CASE WHEN deaths < (select avg(deaths) as avg_deaths_RJ from mortality_data where state='Rajasthan') THEN "belowAvg" ELSE "aboveAvg" END as "trends" FROM mortality_data where state='Rajasthan' order by year desc; ``` ] ] ] --- # Window Functions .center[ .card[ Window functions create a new column based on calculations performed on a subset or _window_ of the data. This window starts at the first row on a particular column and increases in size unless you constrain the size of the window. ] ] -- .pull-left[ .card[ ```sql SELECT 'Day', 'Mile Driving',SUM('Miles Driving') OVER(ORDER BY 'Day') AS 'Running Total' FROM 'Running total mileage visual' ``` ] ] -- .pull-right[ .card[  ] ] --- ## Window Functions - Use Cases .center[ .bg-yellow[Creating additional columns] Using [Mortality data](, find if the total deaths in a state in a given month and year was above or below the average number of deaths in that year for a state .card[ .left[ ```sql SELECT *, CASE WHEN deaths < avg_deaths THEN 'Below Average' ELSE 'Above Average' END AS trends FROM ( SELECT *, AVG(deaths) OVER(PARTITION BY state,year) as avg_deaths FROM mortality_data ) ``` ] ] ] --- ## Window Functions - Use Cases .center[ .bg-yellow[Ranking Items] Assign ranks as per the total cases registered under each judge position **across all districts** .card[ .left[ ```sql SELECT *, RANK() over(ORDER BY total_cases DESC) AS ranking FROM ( SELECT dist_code, judge_position, count(*) AS total_cases FROM cases_2018_karnataka GROUP BY dist_code,judge_position ) ``` ] ] ] --- ## PARTITION BY AND ORDER BY .center[ .bg-yellow[Ranking with PARTITION BY] <br> .card[Ranking **within each district**] .card[ .left[ ```sql SELECT *, RANK() over(PARTITION BY dist_code ORDER BY total_cases DESC) AS ranking FROM ( SELECT dist_code, judge_position, count(*) AS total_cases FROM cases_2018_karnataka GROUP BY dist_code,judge_position ) ``` ] ] ] --- # Regular Expressions (REGEX) .center[ .card[ Regex, or Regular Expressions, is a sequence of characters, used to search and locate specific sequences of characters that match a pattern. ] ] -- <br> .center[ .bg-yellow[The **LIKE** clause] ] .pull-left[ Find all states that start with letter `A` .card[ ```sql SELECT distinct state FROM mortality_data WHERE state LIKE 'A%'; ``` ] ] .pull-right[ Find all states that end with word `Pradesh` .card[ ```sql SELECT distinct state FROM mortality_data WHERE state LIKE '%Pradesh'; ``` ] ] --- ## REGEX Exercise 1. Import [NCRB data]( 2. Find all crime heads related to `children` [can contain `child` or `children`] 3. Find all crime heads that mention `Murder` 4. Find all crime heads that start with `Murder` 5. Find all crime heads that are either `SLL` or `IPC` [ _REGEXP_ / _UNION_ ] --- ## JOINS - Exercise 2 Find the top 5 districts of Karnataka in terms of the number of cases that ended in conviction -- .center[ .card[ .left[ ```sql SELECT d.*, e.district_name FROM ( SELECT c.dist_code, count(*) as total_convict_cases FROM ( SELECT a.dist_code, a.disp_name, b.disp_name_s FROM cases_2018_karnataka AS a LEFT JOIN disp_name_key AS b ON a.disp_name = b.disp_name) AS c WHERE c.disp_name_s LIKE '%convict%' GROUP BY c.dist_code) as d LEFT JOIN cases_district_key as e ON d.dist_code = e.dist_code WHERE e.state_code = 3 ORDER BY total_convict_cases DESC LIMIT 5 ``` ] ] ] --- class: center, middle # Queries and Feedback